Saturday, 18 January 2014

3 books you must read before starting a Law degree

These books are a mixture of the books recommended for the course by my university and by a simple google search and trawling through thousands of reviews. I found number 3 the most helpful out of them all. 

1~ How to study Law (sixth edition) Sweet & Maxwell
This book covers the basic legal skills and contains many tips on how to make the most of your time studying, referencing and researching, as well as self-test questions.

2~ The Legal System (fourth edition) Kate Malleson & Richard Moules
This book provides an overview of the key "institutions, personnel and procedures that makeup the legal system in England and Wales". This book also handily includes self-test questions and other recommended reading in the form of web links and similar cases. 

3~ What about Law? Studying Law at university (second edition) Catherine Barnard, Janet O'sullivan and Graham Virgo
This is probably the one I found most interesting as it contains the key cases in all of the different areas of law and then goes on to analyse the case in more detail. This book gives an indepth idea of what studying Law at university is all about. 

Reading is a key part of a law degree and the more you read and understand, the easier researching, referencing and eventually writing the tedious essays will become. 

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