Tuesday 11 March 2014

Why its important to try something new

You may think "well I do something new all the time" and its true you most probably do do something new. But do you do something that's new and different and is just a little bit more scary than fun? You should. When you check your email and see there's one for becoming a volunteer, do you:

a) reply back immediately saying your interested
b) try and remember to reply later and inevitably forget?

B is my weakness. I apply for lots of volunteering jobs at a time and slowly the responses trickle back to me but I'm always "too busy" to answer straight away. What would happen if I replied instantly? Would I seem too keen or would I more than likely have a lot more fascinating things to add to my c.v.?

Like in the film Yes Man, I have been saying "yes" to every opportunity, and so far its been mainly good. I applied to start up a business and got shortlisted but why shouldn't I add it to my c.v. even though I didn't win? It's still an accomplishment and I learnt a lot about businesses in the past week, especially legal issues. Tomorrow I will be going to a legal companion meeting with the view of signing up and next week I will be going to a talk on becoming a witness service volunteer and will hopefully sign up there. 

But there are things I haven't done. I didn't apply to the Citizens Advice Bureau because I couldn't complete the application form (in my defense I  wouldn't have been able to work there over the summer so it was a waste of time) and there are loads of emails in my outbox offering volunteer opportunities if only I could sort my c.v. out. So I encourage you to go out there and say "yes" to every opportunity and see where you end up.

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