Sunday 20 July 2014

The law library

The law library, you and it will soon become best friends. It holds everything from the quick revision and study guides to the heavy, old cases to the thick textbooks. 

Via montgomery county

While you may prefer to research cases online you will need to visit the law library at some point. If its not covered during your introductory week, ask the law librarian (yes, there is such a job) if they could show you around and point you in the direction of the most helpful and interesting resources both online and offline. This will save you so much time when it comes to researching and essay writing. 

Ensure you check out most of the books on the reading list in freshers week, as when the hard work begins the week after there will be a mad rush for the textbooks and not enough for every student. Most universities also allow you to renew books online so now there is no excuse.

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